#ROCKTH3VOT3 for your favorite #SOL3SIST3RS & #SOL3MAT3S staffers in our 6th annual 2025 #SOL3MAT3awards by clicking on our digital ballot box below to be taken to our digital ballot
votes with an "anonymous" name or left blank &/or a phony email address will not be counted
VOTING CLOSES ON Sunday DEC. 22, 2024 AT 11:30PM
--Thank you for voting in our fifth annual awards.
All admitted #SOL3MAT3S #SOL3SIST3RS are eligible for nominations / awards. Unlike other organizations, we DO NOT Discriminate and we don't engage in ANY FAVORITISM!
The ONLY criteria is that the live-action models be admitted into our #SOL3SIST3RHOOD to work our events, nothing more is required.
Guest Models do not qualify for
All admitted #SOL3MAT3S #SOL3SIST3RS are eligible for nominations / awards. Unlike other organizations, we DO NOT Discriminate and we don't engage in ANY FAVORITISM!
The ONLY criteria is that the live-action models be admitted into our #SOL3SIST3RHOOD to work our events, nothing more is required.
Guest Models do not qualify for
endorsements, nominations or awards.
Click on the above photo to see the current roster of live-action models that make up our #SOL3SIST3RHOOD
This perk is ONLY available to #SOL3MAT3S members in good standing.
Unlike other organizations who's irresponsibly, drunken hosts are too loaded to be bothered to submit nominations of the models that work their asses off for those hosts at their regional events; we left it up to our members to endorse our SOL3SIST3RS (the
This perk is ONLY available to #SOL3MAT3S members in good standing.
Unlike other organizations who's irresponsibly, drunken hosts are too loaded to be bothered to submit nominations of the models that work their asses off for those hosts at their regional events; we left it up to our members to endorse our SOL3SIST3RS (the official SOL3MAT3S models) for award nominations, keeping things fair and simple as the endorsements can be submitted online or filled out on paper and turned in at any of our events.
Once the nominations are compiled, those with the most shall be showcased for the public to #ROCKTH3VOT3
The award recipients will be announced LIV3 & in the FL3SH at our #SOL3MAT3SawardSHOW!
Our 6th Annual SOL3MAT3 Awards Event will be on Sat. Feb. 15, 2025 in Los Angeles, CA.
The ladies with the most votes will be the recipients in their respective categories
The most prestigious award is the
" #SOL3SIST3R of the year! "
Which ever #SOL3SIST3R ends up being the recipient of our top award will no doubt be the most hard working an
Our 6th Annual SOL3MAT3 Awards Event will be on Sat. Feb. 15, 2025 in Los Angeles, CA.
The ladies with the most votes will be the recipients in their respective categories
The most prestigious award is the
" #SOL3SIST3R of the year! "
Which ever #SOL3SIST3R ends up being the recipient of our top award will no doubt be the most hard working and most deserving live-action model of the year, furthermore; she will be the top Foot-Fetish Live-Action Model on planet Earth!! -No other awards will even come close to the recognition our #SOL3SIST3RS will receive at our Foot-Fetish awards
Our very first #" #SOL3SIST3R of the year! " Marie Bossette became the first Live-Action Model that set the foundation of a line of succession of the most coveted, foot-fetish event industry leading award ever conceived!
Exactly what guests and models alike wanted for many years is exactly what we organized at #SOL3MAT3S for everyone who is into female feet!
Welcome to "Foot-Fetish REINVENTED!"
Thank you to our #SOL3MAT3S members & #SOL3SIST3RS for everything we all did to become the industry leader in Foot-Fetish events in less than 5 years since we established our little start-up
Without you we would not have been able to create a true Foot-Fetish Kommunity for our members + SOL3SIST3RS It’s been ohh so worth it since our inception to see the amazing comradery between members, SOL3SIST3RS & staff; which has never been experienced within other org.'s in our industry.
My business partner Renée Adams and I are especially grateful to Chef Vinny, Chilo, and Manny for always lending a hand to help us with anything that is needed at our various regional events
Thanks to all involved for helping us get through the end of the 2023 event season; our Fifth continuous year in business; and unlike other industry organizations, we have maintained continuity with our business growth, awards and many other unique functions we created to suit our needs from the day we established this amazing community organization.
Our next events will be in the SFV, Orange County, and the 2024 #SOL3MAT3awards will be on Sat Feb. 17, 2024 in Los Angeles, California; we'll see you all soon
Russell Peter | Klub Thirty3™ & #SOL3MAT3S™ -Sergeant at Arms, Chief of Staff & co-Founder
My business partner Russell Peter and I embarked on putting #SOL3MAT3S together while at the same time taking all of your suggestions and ideas into serious consideration. Over the past couple of years, all of you have shared with us that “we nailed it!”
Thank you for all of your messages and compliments. It legitimizes everything we did to get to where we are and it serves to further motivate us to continue building and expanding into the long term.
After we went independent, I was not seeking a leadership role. My partner Russell conveyed the importance of me leading at such a critical time when the industry was taking a nose-dive because of the bad seeds that were allowed to sprout only to flourish in ways that are detrimental to the entire industry.
I also did not have any personal ambitions, Russell and a few models and staff explained that because I was not seeking fame, titles, or leadership roles that this was a very good reason to accept the Presidency and simply accepting the role out of duty to the industry was reason enough. Other entities won’t make the needed changes to better the industry because all they care about is their bottom line. When they finally do hear the "pop" (the sound made once their heads come out of their asses for the first time); it will sadly be too little too late for all of them.
I understand that there is much more to change to better our industry than just adding more to a company bank account. Thank you to all of our guests, staff and #SOL3SIST3RS for your confidence in my leadership as I lead both our parent company KlubThirty3 and our 2 branches (#ASPHYX3A & #SOL3MAT3S) into the 2021 season.
As President one of my many official duties is to appoint subordinates to key roles and positions to ensure smooth business operations or when seasonal duties need to be filled. I made the decision to assign our Sergeant at Arms / Chief of Staff; Russell Peter to chair our awards committee permanently starting in late August of 2019.
I made the decision to appoint Russell because of his experience working for a former politician for 14 years in his civilian capacity. As a civilian he also brings to the table a computer science background, extensive job experience working for fortune 500 companies, and working at several legal and accounting firms. Other professional experience prior to us restructuring Klub Thirty3 both Russell and I worked as a team with a Foot party company for several years where we not only acquired real world experience, but we also made several creative contributions that are now the standard in the fetish event industry.
Russell at the former foot party company managed both social network profiles for the promotional benefit of the company and he also introduced a professionally organized program for that company’s awards and was an integral part in the endorsement and nomination process of those companies’ live-action models for many years. It is because of Russell’s extensive experience and proven fairness and impartiality that I am confident that Russell will take his scope of responsibility to undoubtedly create the most amazing Foot-Fetish Awards ever conceived. He has already implemented “an out with the old and in with the new” program unlike anything any other organization has ever done while simultaneously creating a truly transparent process by only allowing our members to endorse our live-action models (#SOL3SIST3RS) and only after the endorsements have been tallied do we allow the general public to #ROCKTH3VOT3 for the nominees!
Other organizations are locked into waiting for their regional hosts to get off their behinds and turn in their endorsements to the top-brass and this failure of proper participation only allows for certain models from certain regions to be recognized while the vast majority is left wondering what happened? And other organizations drag their feet and by letting the public endorse the potential award nominees which marginalizes the process because its obvious that the general public lacks the proper insight as who is to say whether or not anyone from the general public actually attends their parties. Unfortunately this affects not only moral at all levels but it creates unfavorable accusations of favoritism and other negativity that should never be ignored and having them click on photos of the models as a way to endorse them by people who don't actually attend the parties proves the bias that only the aesthetically pleasing will be nominated. We at #SOL3MAT3S don't play that SH!T.
Our resignation from the previous foot party company that we gave so many years of loyal service has allowed us to pursue every idea we ever presented that was never adopted by the previous company and as a result we have organized the most fair and transparent adult / fetish awards ever created. This is something that would have never happened if we were still under their sphere of fucked up influence. Had our grievances not been ignored or our ideas pushed aside to better their company which at the time dominated the industry; we would have never resigned. But we were left with no other option and now things are perfect for us as they do their thing and we do ours. Historically competition in any industry has paved the way for new and exciting advances and we look forward to all of it.
Russell did contact the President of the company we used to work with about a year and a half ago and offered up the idea of starting an industry association based on mutual interests to better the entire industry. He thought that by having a "father & son" relationship it would have been a great foundation but the inaction by the father only showed us that he is angry that he no longer controls the son because he was surpassed. Although highly doubtful; hopefully this relationship will be mended one day, if not so be it as all we can do is move forward with exciting new concepts here @SOL3MAT3S
As President I have no say nor influence in who is endorsed or nominated or who should get votes. Russell has decided to forgo any personal endorsements for awards to ensure true impartiality with the process I have assigned him. You will not see his name on any categories as a result even though many of the members endorsed him for nominations in the staff category of our awards. I know for a fact that Russell is only motivated by the opportunity to REINVENT the Foot-Fetish event industry from the ground up and has no qualms ruffling feathers or plucking them by the fistful! He thrives in times of conflict and going against the old guard to ensure that models, staff and guests have the best experience with our business is his mission. A few guests and models expressed to us that we are “Over doing it”, my response is “#KOMPROMISEelsewhere!”
Should anyone have any questions about our awards process feel free to contact Russell directly.
Renée Adams | Klub Thirty3™ & #SOL3MAT3S™ -President & co-Founder
use #SOL3MAT3S hashtag on all social networks to engage directly with us
Follow us on twitter (X) @SOL3MAT3S | @KlubThirty3 + instagram @SOL3MAT3S_
Copyright © 2019 - 2025 | #SOL3MAT3S -is a Klub Thirty3 MEMBERS ONLY lifestyle event | All Rights Reserved.
get your memberships + event-passes
to join us in The San Fernando Valley, ca!
Live & in the Flesh!!
Saturday April 19, 2025!!