The reason is so that our members don't get distracted from our ALREADY THOUROUGHLY VETTED #SOL3SIST3RS (Live-Action Models) or cut into their session earnings, among other obvious reasons. We are 100% drama free and already have the best of the very best females available for sessions; we don't need anyone else who is not already part of the #SOL3SIST3Rhood!
The significant others; wives, GF's, domestic partners, side-chicks, fuck buddies, etc. of our members are verboten (forbidden) from becoming members &/or attending our events. --NO EXCEPTIONS.
The significant others; husbands, BF's, domestic partners, side-dudes, fuck buddies, etc. of our #SOL3SIST3RS are verboten from becoming members &/or attending our events.
ANY application that is lacking an unredacted, valid american state issued DL / ID will not be processed and will be deleted from our system -International applicants must attach the photo + information page of their valid passport.
We will be verifying all identification documentaion attached with all submitted applications to comply with age requirements and to ensure the safety of our live-action models, staff, current members and venues.
Only complete applications with proper attached documentation will be in que for processing
Applicants who include a valid affilate code from our live-action models will be prioritized and subsequently bumped higher in que of our vetting process.
Furthermore, applicants that include industry references that we may contact directly will also get bumped up in the processing que.
Vetting may take weeks or months due to the volume of applciations that we receive; please be patient and submit legible, correct, proper, and valid documents that can be verified legally.
If anything comes back phony, and unable to be properly verified during the vetting process; those applications will not be considered; they will be propmplty deleted from our system and those applicants will be black listed from ever being considered for future membership; in perpetuity.
The purpose of the events is for our members to session with the ladies; at our events, without any drama or BULLSH!T.
So with good reason it is Verboten (forbidden) for our live-action models / #SOL3SIST3RS from fraternizing outside of our events with #SOL3MAT3S members, & vice-versa for obvious reasons.
If we find out, the member in question will have their membership immediately revoked and will be black listed from becoming a member again in perpetuity; that means forever!
The live-action model in question will be immediately expelled and will not be allowed back in perpetuity; that means forever!
Rule # 9 of the Model Code of Conduct below contains further details about fraternization outside of our events.
ALL NEW MEMBERS + Live-Action Model applicants MUST submit their CDC proof of covid19 inoculation record card (or most recent negative covid19 test) when applying to attend / work our events via our online application(s) & present original documentation upon arrival to the very first Klub Thirty3 + #SOL3MAT3S event they attend / work so we can photocopy it along with a valid state issued ID / DL to comply with local covid19 health & safety regulations in addition to state & federal age requirements + SESTA / FOSTA. The reason for all this legal compliance is that all applicants / attendees of adult events must be age 18 older & 21+ or older if consuming alcohol and proof of age must be on file with us, the organizers . New members only have to do this once at the very first event they attend, we photo copy the documentation and place it in the member files for safe keeping in case of any audits or govt. compliance reviews.
1. ANY MEMBER who voluntarily cancels their membership will be fully refunded, however; they will not be readmitted in perpetuity. -NO EXCEPTIONS
2. ANY MEMBER who has their membership revoked by our executive staff will be fully refunded, however; they will not be readmitted in perpetuity. -NO EXCEPTIONS
It's not about the money; it's about us providing the best and safest experience for our kommunity of members, live-action models + staff.
1. No drunkenness or other forms of intoxication will be tolerated.
If any member / guest, staffer or model arrives to any #SOL3MAT3S
events drunk / intoxicated / high they will be denied entry.
If any person gets intoxicated at our events,
disciplinary action will be administered
2. No disrespectful behavior
3. No disruption of the events
4. Photography on personal cameras or cell phones at #SOL3MAT3S events is forbidden.
Only #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 staff may photograph the models & their feet at the events.
Models are allowed to only shoot selfies / foot-selfies or shoefies but must be mindful
that no guests or staff are in the background of their photos to protect the privacy of all attendees
5. No solicitation of guests for other events not associated with #SOL3MAT3S / Klub Thirty3 will NOT be tolerated –If caught you will be removed off the premises by our security / staff; your membership will be revoked without a refund, you will be black listed and no longer allowed to attend #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 regional events in perpetuity (that means forever) –NO EXCEPTIONS
6. No recruitment of models or staff for other events not associated with #SOL3MAT3S + Klub Thirty3 will NOT be tolerated –If caught you will be removed off the premises by our security / staff; your membership will be revoked without a refund, you will be black listed and no longer allowed to attend #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 regional events in perpetuity (that means forever) –NO EXCEPTIONS
7. Unless you purchased a VIP playspace, lounging, sleeping or "resting" in the play spaces is not permitted. If you want to relax you may do so in the lounge area(s) of the venue(s)
8. VIP play spaces are VERY LIMITED and therefore only available to #SOL3MAT3S members on a first come first serve basis.
9. Don't be trashy and jump into occupied play spaces. You risk spilling liquids on models and guests and horseplay is simply unbecoming of our members / guests and models.
10. Unless its an emergency or the event is closing down NO disruption of sessions will be tolerated! -That means members / guests, wait until the sessions are over before you attempt to get a models attention for a session you would not want another guest to disrupt your session don't disrupt another guests session. Be patient, be a gentleman. --Models wait til your session is over before you try to communicate with anyone outside of the play space so that no disputes arise over the session time / session pay.
11. To prevent unnecessary damages to the venue, no food, drinks or smoking is permitted in the play spaces. Bottled water is okay
12. Keep the play spaces clean. Put your refuse in the waste baskets don't just leave it on the play spaces or on the floor.
13. No theft or destruction of private venue property or any persons personal property will be tolerated by ANYONE
14. If anybody finds jewelry, wallets, cell phones, eye-glasses, hats or other valuables; please take them up to the front sign-in area which serves as #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 lost and found.
15. Sexual activities are forbidden at #SOL3MAT3S regional events.
-We know that Top-Tier live-action models' feet will excite many, just keep it in your pants or you will suffer the consequences -Models you know better than to agree to sexual activities, avoid drama and embarrassment and refrain from sexual activities.
16. No pandering or solicitation will be tolerated No money is to exchange hands for sexual play and no requests for sexual play are permitted
17. No sales, distribution or sharing of narcotics are permitted at #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 regional events
18. No Marijuana procession or its use is allowed at #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 venues except @KlubThirty3's #KlubHaus (SOL3MAT3S-O.C.) & our WustenHaus (#SOL3MAT3S-Las Vegas, NV) are 4:20 friendly venues.
19. All guests are required to pay for seasonal memberships + event-passes to gain entry to the #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 regional events.
20. All friends, room mates, escorts, drivers, body guards, and significant others of the models are verboten from becoming members and attending our events -NO EXCEPTIONS
21. All models, guests, & staff are required to fill out, date & sign a consent forms / medical waivers upon entering any #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 event -No Exceptions
22. Use common sense ladies and gentlemen, violations of #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 rules are subject to membership revocation, event suspension / expulsion --just keep it cool and follow the rules
If any member / guest or model violates any of #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 established rules and regulations the following consequences will be administered.
1. First offense will carry a 2 party suspension
2. Second offense will carry a 1 year suspension
3. Third offense will be expulsion from #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 events in purpetuity --that means FOREVER!!
1. Unless you have been “Grand-Fathered” in as a Klub Thirty3 model or have worked closely with Russell Peter or Renée Adams in the past; all models interested in working our events must apply to be considered for admission to #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3
2. Admission to #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 is HIGHLY COMPETITIVE. Only 33 live-action models per region will be admitted per year. Open Enrollment for new applicants will remain until we have filled all of the spaces in each region. And yes we’re mindful of models who will cross over to be "feetured" in more than one region, if we need to add more models to any region we will
3. If any models resign, are suspended or expelled we will take new applications when spaces open up
4. DON'T BE LATE LADIES --Live-action models who confirmed to attend / work a particular #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 event, must show up at the time the event officially begins or they may arrive up to one hour early. A 15 minute grace period is allowed for models who are running late, however; if any model arrives more than 15 minutes late those models will be subject to the 3 strike disciplinary action. Tardiness is VERY unprofessional no matter the reason
5. NO CALL / NO SHOWS --Live-action models who confirmed to attend / work a particular #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 event, must show up. Again, if a model commits to work any #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 party she must attend. IF ANY MODEL IS A NO SHOW AND FAILS TO NOTIFY US BEFORE THE START OF THE EVENT she will be subject to our 3 strike disciplinary action. --NO EXCUSES --NO EXCEPTIONS
6. Models are forbidden from being topless or partially or completely nude. Undergarments must be worn at all times –NO EXCEPTIONS -If you have any medical reasons to not follow this rule you will need to sit out the #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 parties until you are able to wear undergarments. This rule is in place to protect you and us from the events being misconstrued as places of solicitation / pandering / prostitution
7. Official #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 live-action models may not disrupt the parties in any way. This includes fighting, arguing or taking liberties with other models, staff or members / guests. If models have ANY issues / disputes take it up with Renée Adams the #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 President directly. If Renée is busy, make contact with Russell Peter the #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 Sgt. at Arms / Chief of Staff. If Both Renée and Russell are preoccupied make contact with Whitey our security guard.
8. Official #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 live-action models may not arrive to our events drunk / intoxicated / high and while in attendance models are forbidden from getting to the point where they are not functioning normally. If this happens expect to be suspended for 2 parties, if it happens again expect a 1 year suspension, if it happens again you will be expelled from attending #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 events in perpetuity --that means FOREVER!!
9. The Live-Action Models may not bring any friends, room mates, escorts, body guards, spouses, Boyfriends / Girlfriends (significant others) or any persons who have a romantic or quasi-romantic / or a personal business interest or quasi-business interest to the #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 events, NO EXCEPTIONS! This rule is in place to ensure that our models, staff and members can work and interact in a distraction free environment and also to comply with our membership rules. Anyone is welcome to drive you to and from our events but they may NOT ENTER the events for any reason and furthermore they are forbidden from becoming members. If it is discovered that a models significant other circumvented this rule and somehow made it into an event or deceitfully become a member knowing it was forbidden to do so will subject he or she and the model to immediate expulsion from our event organization, NO EXCEPTIONS *Venue owners and approved staff who are married to our models including family members of our staff are exempt from this rule.
10. All admitted live-action models are required to have at least 2 active social network accounts and they must be twitter and instagram at a minimum. Models must promote their participation in the #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 events a few times per week as soon as they are confirmed to work a particular #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 event and they must increase daily promotional posts for the final 10 days leading up to any event date. –No Exceptions
11. All admitted models must allow #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 staff to take their photos for the affiliated websites and promotional social media posts without hiding their faces or disguising themselves –No Exceptions
12. Models by agreeing to session you have given consent to a guest to session with you. Ensure upfront before you begin a session that you fully understand what your session with a particular guest will entail so that there are no misunderstandings
13. To avoid misunderstandings all models must be paid upfront before starting any sessions. This will minimize any potential drama and keep things pleasant. So ask for your money upfront and use your cell phones as the timers. Only U.S. Dollars or contactless CASH Apps may be used to pay for sessions; however the payment method must be agreed to by both the member / guest + live-action model to avoid any drama or misunderstandings. DO NOT USE PAYPAL as session paymentsas they will shut down your account(s).
14. Models may only use their cell phones as session timers and for selfies. No other types of photography will be permitted. Only #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 staff are allowed to take photos at the events. if you take any selfies, please watch your background. The last thing you need is to be asked to take down an amazing photo because you did not have consent by any persons who appeared in the background of your selfie.
15. Models are expected to be professional, friendly and not engage in "hustle" behavior. Scoring sessions with members / guests is not a competition. There is plenty to go around
16. No solicitation of guests for yours or other person(s) events will be tolerated –If caught you will be expelled on the spot from #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 –NO EXCEPTIONS -We don't do this to you or others, so don't do it to us.
17. No recruitment of models or staff for yours or other person(s) events will be tolerated –If caught you will be expelled on the spot from #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 –NO EXCEPTIONS -We don't do this to you or others, so don't do it to us.
18. Safeguard your personal property. #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3, its staff and venue owners ARE NOT RESPONSIBLE for lost or stolen items
19. Many current KlubThirty3 members will be attending #SOL3MAT3S. Because we 100% protect our members privacy. Occasionally models will run into celebrities, sports figures, upper echelon corporate executives, and high ranking govt. officials and politicians. To further protect the privacy of all of our members; models and staff are forbidden from discussing what they see, experience or who they notice at #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 events. So don't even think about writing a book or talking to the media or TMZ. Please don't fuck up and make us pursue legal remedies because we will not hesitate to do so to protect our members only organization and its models, staff and guests Just be discrete and everything will be cool
20. Use common sense ladies, violations of #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 rules are subject to model roster revocation, event suspension / expulsion --just keep it cool and follow the rules
21. Should ANY live-action model be expelled from #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 the model will lose the awards, titles gained while with our company. Expelled models will no longer be permitted to be part of the #SOL3SIST3Rhood and call herself a #SOL3SIST3R. Should a model be expelled; the model should do the honorable thing and remove mention of your affiliation with #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3, especially from your social media profiles, xxx / kink-fetish websites, including phonyFans etc. to avoid any unpleasantries. Once a model is dropped from our company, she will not be permitted to ever work for us again.
Engaging in or attempting to engage in ANY sexual activities or solicitation is strictly forbidden at all #SOL3MAT3S regional events. –It’s simply not that kind of party.
If you are unable to follow vice-rules, do us all a favor and do not submit a membership application nor purchase memberships / event-passes to attend #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 events if sexual play is what you seek. These rules exist to ensure that we are all legally compliant.
It is not worth the risk to our guests, staff, models or venue owners we do business with. Should we learn that any person violated this most important rule they will be escorted off the premises by our security / staff and expelled from attending #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 parties in perpetuity… That means FOREVER!
If you fuck up, There will BE NO SECOND CHANCES!
If you want to session with any of the #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 live-action models, be nice and concise. Ask them if it’s okay to play how you want to play… The worse they can say is “no”. The best they can say is YES! and consent to what you like!!
The most fucked up thing you can do is assume that how you want to session is everyone’s cup of tea. The reality is that everybody is different so before you start a session let the model know how you want to session, spare no detail and don’t forget to pay the model upfront to avoid ANY misunderstandings during or after your session(s). Also make sure that any live-action models that agree to any sessions; are also in agreement with cash (US Dollars only) or contactless payment via a cash app that both the member and live-action model agree to transact payment with.
No membership / event-pass refunds will be issued unless we cancel or reschedule a #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 event. The option to roll-over your fee to another #SOL3MAT3S + KlubThirty3 regional event shall be granted if you prefer.
Members Only Event-Passes for #SOL3MAT3S members are heavily discounted and they start at $33 when making event-pass purchases early and Membership fees for the rest of 2024 are $129.99 -Special event-passes are currently available that include the membership fee and entrance to a new member(s) first regional #SOL3MAT3S event.
MEMBERSHIP FEES ARE NON-REFUNDABLE (credit card + debit card "Chargebacks" will result in revocation / expulsion and a lifetime ban from KlubThirty3 #SOL3MAT3S. Chargebacks damage our business reputation with credit card processors leading to higher rates and higher prices for you and fellow members. DO NOT FILE A CHARGEBACK, instead email us directly to resolve any issues at:
Memberships belong to the person(s) who applied, were vetted and admitted to #SOL3MAT3S. The memberships are NON-Transferable and can't be "borrowed" or extended to others. If a member purchases multiple event entrances, they can not be transferred to be used by other persons. If a person wishes to attend our events, he or she must submit an application to be considered / vetted and ultimately admitted into #SOL3MAT3S by purchasing an event season membership; no exceptions.
Event-Passes for NON-MEMBERS are NO LONGER offered due to occupancy rules brought about by the covid19 pandemic. We do not plan to reinstate non-member event-passes because we prefer our members only way of doing business.
There are major money saving perks plus other exclusivities only available to officially admitted members of #SOL3MAT3S -No other entity past or present offers anything close to what we offer. You'll get more for your money with us, not them!
#SOL3MAT3S is THE FUTURE of Foot-Fetish and updating the archaic session pay scale to keep up with economic inflation and featuring only top-tier live-action models is only the beginning of what we have in store.
To avoid drama and misunderstandings all guests are required to pay upfront for their session(s), --no exceptions. If a model allows for a guest to proceed with a session without payment, the model & guest will be subject to the #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 3 strike disciplinary action. The same consequences apply for any model(s) who jack up the session fees to amounts higher than the official #SOL3MAT3S session fees.
Any guest who attempts to circumvent the session rules by not paying upfront or attempting to pay less than the official #SOL3MAT3S session fees, the offender(s) will be subject to the #SOL3MAT3S 3 strike disciplinary action.
#SOL3MAT3S official, MEMBERS ONLY non negotiable session (live-action performance) fees are as follows:
1. $20 for 5 minutes
2. $30 for 10 minutes
3. $40 for 15 minutes
4. $50 for 20 minutes
5. $60 for 25 minutes
6. $70 for 30 minutes
7. $80 for 35 minutes
8. $90 for 40 minutes
9. $100 for 45 minutes
10. $140 for 60 minutes
11. $175 for 90 minutes
12. $200 for 120 minutes
SESSIONS MUST BE PAID UPFRONT before any sessions begin with the live-action models.
Our bedrock principle is that #SOL3MAT3S will NEVER require TipOut's or percentages from the models!! -All session pay belongs 100% to the models who earned it.
Session Fees may be in either Cash (US Dollars) or contactless only via any type of cash app; however it is 100% up to each individual Live-Action Model how she prefers to receive session payments. So during any initial session negotiations, that is when it should be agreed to how a member guest will pay any live-action model's for any session time slots. *NOTE not all Live-Action Models take strictly USD cash or contactless cash apps; so be mindful of this and ask upfront what the preferred method of payment is when discussing session time slots with any live-action models.
Yes our session fees are higher than other Foot-Fetish organizations, however; the cost of doing business, the cost of fuel. and travel due to economic inflation is the reality that we live in today. It costs models more out of pocket to get to and from events than it did in 2002 and due to economic inflation that began it's upward ascent in 2021; it costs EVEN MORE FOR FUEL + all other expenses 20+ years after the first Foot-Fetish Event org was established. So we raised the standard session fees at #SOL3MAT3S but still kept it affordable. And because we'll only "feeture" upper echelon, Top-Tier Live-Action Models it will be worth every penny to all parties involved.
#SOL3MAT3S bedrock principle is that we will not dock, ask for tip-outs or other greedy BS!
What models earn is all theirs to keep and what #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 makes in memberships + event event-passes is ours to keep to ensure that #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 can stay in business for years to come –A simple concept we know, but some folks seem to forget the proper way to conduct business.
SOL3MAT3S is “Foot-Fetish REINV3NT3D!” "ACC3PT NO SUBSTITUT3S" #KompromiseElseWhere #PartyOverHereFUCKYOUoverThere
use #SOL3MAT3S hashtag on all social networks to engage directly with us
Follow us on twitter (X) @SOL3MAT3S | @KlubThirty3
Copyright © 2019 - 2025 | #SOL3MAT3S -is a Klub Thirty3 MEMBERS ONLY lifestyle event | All Rights Reserved.
get your memberships + event-passes
to join us in Orange County, ca!
Live & in the Flesh!!
Saturday March 22, 2025!!