Currently only a few of the states we do business in have re-opened.
Our international regions that are permitted to re-open will be up and running shortly.
Our staff, live-action models (#SOL3SIST3RS) and members have expressed positive feedback to our re-opening in the regions where events are permitted; however, we must remain cautious as we move forward and will be implementing the following in all regions that we have a presence in.
1. ALL NEW MEMBERS MUST PRESENT their CDC proof of covid19 inoculation record card upon arrival to their very first Klub Thirty3 + #SOL3MAT3S event so we can photocopy it along with a valid state issued ID / DL to comply with local covid19 health & safety regulations in addition to state & federal age requirements as all attendees of adult events must be age 18 older & 21+ or older if consuming alcohol.
2. Currently we are only permitted to admit a limited number of members only and live-action models to work the #SOL3MAT3S regional events in the states that have re-opened. The occupancy limits may change per local rules and will be updated by region.
3. Session Cash may not be directly handed to the models if either party is not fully inoculated against the corona virus / covid19. Cash is to be set down for the #SOL3SIST3R to pick up if either of the two is not fully inoculated. We encourage live-action models and members to use cash app, apple pay or other payment apps for folks who wish to use contact-less payment as a health and safety precaution.
4. Alcohol based sanitizers and witch hazel will be readily available throughout the venues, please use the sanitizer first on your skin / feet and second use the witch hazel on your feet after the sanitizer dries on your skin to ensure that all bacteria / viruses are eliminated after every session.
5. Only 1 on 1 sessions are permitted. Double, triple or any groups sessions are strictly forbidden while covid19 remains in pandemic status.
6. Security and staff will ensure that only members are admitted into our events -NO EXCEPTIONS
7. All guests / members, models, and staff will need to sign releases / medical waivers assuming the risks the corona virus / covid19 pandemic poses to the general public -NO EXCEPTIONS If any person refuses to fill out, sign / date the release / medical waiver those persons will not receive a refund nor will they be granted entry into the event. Extra licensed security and staff will be on hand to escort any trouble makers off premises. Anyone who causes any trouble / drama or refuses to sign the required paperwork will be have their membership revoked and will be black listed from attending future events in perpetuity. -A ZERO TOLERANCE policy for non-compliance will be in effect.
8. Face coverings / masks are mandatory upon entry to the venue and during sign-in for any persons who are NOT FULLY inoculated against the corona virus / covid19 . Persons who are not fully inoculated must wear masks throughout the venues, around the food, restrooms and common areas for all guests / members when not in session.
9. Staff and live-action models who are not fully inoculated must wear face coverings throughout the venues, around the food, restrooms and common areas for all guests / members.
10. Any persons who are not fully inoculated must meet the 6 feet of separation per CDC guidelines. Members / Guests who are not fully inoculated against the corona virus / covid19 may only wait for sessions in the lobby / lounge areas not in the vicinity of the food, hallways, common areas or in or near the restrooms.
11. In our “Members Only" regions run by our franchisees; a QR-Code will be used to coordinate sessions between the #SOL3SIST3RS (live-action modes) and members (guests). Additionally use of payment apps will need to be used when paying for sessions to keep payments between models and members "cashless" +only a certain number of active sessions will be allowed per the square footage separation rules currently mandated in certain states we have a presence in.
12. Currently there will be no self-serve / buffet style food. Only individually wrapped snacks and individual cups for water +individual juice packs will be provided. Per local rules in most states that have re-opened bringing your own food and drinks is not permitted. For the time being at #SOL3MAT3S / KlubThirty3 events, bringing outside food and drinks will remain strictly forbidden
Take personal responsibility and do not attend our events if
you have any illnesses or if you simply feel under the weather!
COVID-19 re-opening of California businesses is being conducted by county.
Our next event date is currently set for Sat. Oct. 24, 2020 for our #SOL3MAT3S-San Fernando Valley, CA, however if the shut down orders are further extended we will need to reschedule the SFV event to a later date to comply with the orders from the Governor of the State of California.
use #SOL3MAT3S hashtag on all social networks to engage directly with us
Follow us on twitter @SOL3MAT3S | @KlubThirty3
Copyright © 2019 - 2025 | #SOL3MAT3S -is a Klub Thirty3 MEMBERS ONLY lifestyle event | All Rights Reserved.
get your memberships + event-passes
to join us in Los Angeles, ca!
Live & in the Flesh!!
Saturday Feb. 22, 2025!!